Scuba Diving In Cyprus (Step-By-Step Guide)

Are you researching scuba diving in Cyprus at this exact moment?

There could be only one reason for that:

You’re planning to have a fantastic time on your holiday in this one-of-a-kind resort.

And one-of-a-kind Cyprus most definitely is:

Between all the fun activities you can jump into and the parties you can live through, you’ll barely find the time to catch your breath.

But that’s the point when you visit another country, isn’t it?

Considering scuba diving is a literally breath-taking activity to enjoy while you’re in Cyprus, we should discuss it for a while.

Today, you’ll read the latest and most up-to-date information about:

  • Is Cyprus good for scuba diving?
  • How much is diving in Cyprus?
  • What about scuba diving Cyprus prices?

Yes, feel free to think of this article as your trusted diving in Cyprus review – because that’s what it’s going to be!

Is Cyprus Good For Scuba Diving?

is Cyprus good for scuba diving

You bet your sweet scuba diving gear that it is!

Assuming you don’t want to bet anything just yet, let’s look at the facts, shall we?

First and foremost, Cyprus is an Eastern Mediterranean island. Meaning, a scuba diving experience, and warm, crystal clear blue water go hand in hand.

Is that info enough to make you see the island as a top provider of the ultimate underwater fun?

Not even close, but that’s OK – we’re just getting started:

Do you have any idea how many wrecks you’ll have the chance to explore to the fullest?
Let me tell you – many!

And their number is not even the most fascinating fact about them.

No, what will leave the deepest mark on your scuba diving-loving heart is the kind of wrecks you’ll see from up close.

It’s beyond anyone’s imagination how a wreck could seem ancient and modern at the same time, but that’s what you’ll witness down there!

Exploring Diving In Cyprus – Where Should You Scuba Dive On The Island?

In the interest of full disclosure, I did a lot of research while trying to decide how to construct this article.

Some of you may wonder – what did I spend time researching on the topic?

Wonder no more – I’ll tell you right now!

By all means, which town in Cyprus is the preferred spot for scuba diving?
Unfortunately, I won’t be able to provide you with a single, set-in-stone answer:

It turns out almost every single place on the island where diving can happen is a favorite spot of someone.

If you find this fact hard to believe, I dare you to do some investigative work on your own.

Once you do that, you’ll see that Scuba Diving Larnaca, Scuba Diving Protaras, and Scuba Diving In Cyprus Paphos are all frequently typed search queries online.

Now, why do I bother telling you all that?

Well, because you should know that it doesn’t matter where in Cyprus you’ll choose to reside while you’re on holiday:

Every town will make it possible for you to squeeze as much fun out of your diving as you can handle!

Scuba Diving In Ayia Napa

scuba diving in Cyprus

I’m giving scuba diving in Ayia Napa its own spot in this article.
My reasons will become obvious at this exact moment:

Ayia Napa is on the top of my list of amazing spots for scuba diving in Cyprus.
As soon as you give it a chance, I’m pretty sure it will become a favorite of yours as well.

For those of you with no scuba diving experience, I’ll say that there is no need to worry – not in the slightest:
You’ll be as safe as you could possibly be underwater once you decide to trust Ocean View.

Ocean View is the best PADI dive center in Ayia Napa.
Whether you still have your reservations about going scuba diving or not, Ocean View has your back no matter what your decision will be.

But let’s say that you’re ready to do it. Maybe you’re wondering if there is something spectacular to see?
Yes, there is – the brand new Underwater Museum MUSAN is all set and ready to be explored to the fullest.

I’m not saying anything else – nobody appreciates spoilers that will give away even a piece from the experience, correct?

Can You Scuba Dive In The Winter?

To give a simple answer to that question, I’m going to say yes – scuba diving in Cyprus and winter are not mutually exclusive.

However, we all know that most of the time, life is anything but simple – and so is the matter of diving in the wintertime.

So, what’s the real deal here?
Will you or won’t you get to enjoy your favorite underwater hobby if you visit the resort in the winter months?

OK, let’s look at the facts first before we try to answer the question once again:

Basically, the temperatures during the winter months in Cyprus are 18 degrees (C). Let me clarify that by winter months, I’m talking about the time between January to March.

By all means, that many degrees will be responsible for warm weather, correct?

While that is indisputable, there are other factors you need to consider before you jump into the deep!

For example, proper thermal protection is essential when you’re preparing for a long and exciting dive.

Long story short, choosing to scuba dive when the sky is clear and the sun is shining will make the experience possible even in the Cyprus winter.

How Much Is Diving In Cyprus?

If you feel like we’ll discuss money right now, your intuition is working just fine!

Assuming that you might not want to do that is a safe bet:
Most people find talking about money so unattractive.

At the same time, being aware of the cost of your future expenses will do more good than harm.

Since you’re planning your holiday currently, being able to see some numbers will help you prepare money-wise.

And here is where I’ll probably disappoint you:
Despite my desire to assist you in the best way I possibly can, providing you with exact numbers is not happening.

Before you start to wonder why that is, I’ll tell you on my own:
Believe it or not, the problem is not that I can’t give you a specific figure.
No, it lies in the fact that nobody can.

Just think about it:
The average cost of your scuba diving experience depends on so many factors.

For instance, which part of Cyprus are you planning to visit? Next, when are you going to arrive at the island?

Also, are you an experienced diver, or would there be a need for professional lessons?

As you can see, depending on your answers, the cost will vary.
Considering where you’ll choose to dive is one of the most fascinating parts of this article, let’s begin unraveling it:

Recommended Spots For Scuba Diving In Cyprus

1) The Wreck Of The Zenobia

the wreck of zenobia

For starters, the Wreck of the Zenobia is arguably one of the most popular scuba diving spots in Cyprus.

A fascinating fact:
That wreck used to be a Swedish roll-on roll-off ferry.
Unfortunately, it did sink in 1980.

And fortunately for you, now you’ll have the chance to explore it!
No matter which diving company you’ll choose, you should know all of them will take care of the transfers from your hotel and back.

Prepare yourself for a long diving experience where all the necessary equipment will be provided for you.

If you want to learn more about it, you can do so here.

2) Diana Wreck

Are you an underwater photographer?
Hopefully, you are.

Otherwise, the Diana Wreck might not be the right choice for your scuba diving in Cyprus adventure.
Let’s imagine that you are:
There is no way you’ll regret being that close with Diana!

3) The Cooper Wreck

Quite frankly, you won’t believe how close to the surface The Cooper Wreck of the Akrotiri Peninsula happens to be!
Actually, its current condition might have something to do with that:

In my opinion, the wreck is as broken as it can get – if that makes any sense.
Hey, that just makes it so much more fun to swim around, don’t you think?

4) Lady Thetis

Someone has called this one a Lady for a reason:
Even today, you can still enjoy the ship’s salon and bridge area.
OK, you can see them closely if you choose Lady Thetis to be your scuba diving experience.
Such a statement seems more accurate!

5) The HMS Cricket

Do you happen to be interested in everything that has something to do with World War 2?
The HMS Cricket was a gunboat from that time, so maybe you would like to check it out?

Heads up – that wreck is upside down. Meaning, you’ll have to dive under it if you want to explore it to the fullest.
Imagine how fun would that be?

6) The Liberty Wreck

I so love the name of this one, don’t you?
Actually, there is so much more to love about this wreck than its name:
It sits in Protaras at 89 feet below the water surface.

Most experts will tell you that Liberty Wreck is perfect for the ultimate scuba diving training.

Furthermore, it’s an awesome spot for underwater photography as well.

7) The Canyon

Honestly, I don’t think going for the Canyon is a great idea for most people:
Unless you have a good scuba diving experience, maybe you should be careful with it?

After all, the Canyon is under the cliffs south of Cape Greko.
While it will deliver an unforgettable diving experience, I’m just saying that safety comes first!

9) Manajin Island

If you’re thinking about staying in Paphos, then you’ll love this next entry on today’s list:
Manajin Island might be famous for its rocky sea bottom, but the wreck is so much more than that.

Without spoiling anything for you, I’ll just tell you that:
Make sure that you’ll act as a photographer while you’re down there – even if you’re not!

10) The Amphorae Caves

Another possibility for underwater fun near Paphos – another possibility for hours you’ll never forget.
Yeap, the Amphorae Caves will charm you in a way that may seem unexpected:

Take it for me:
That scuba diving adventure is all about a deep appreciation of ancient pottery.
You gotta see it to believe it, so make sure that you’ll have the time!

Scuba Diving In Cyprus – Final Say

Hopefully, you do appreciate the beauty of diving while you’re holidaying in Cyprus after reading this article.
At least, you do have all the information you may need, is that right?

Maybe not, though!
If a question on the topic, or you would like to share your own experience, you can do so in the comments section below.

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