Black Pearl Pirate Boat Trip: Everything You Need To Know

Living like a pirate for a day is what the Black Pearl Pirate Boat Trip is all about!

And the last thing you want to do is miss on this experience:

Your holiday in Cyprus will never be complete unless you take advantage of everything the Black Pearl Ship has to offer.

Heads up – this pirate boat trip Cyprus will amuse you on every level imaginable.

Today, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the Black Pearl Boat trip:

  • Why should you go on a Black Pearl Pirate trip?
  • What happens on the Balck Pearl Pirate ship?
  • What kind of entertainment does the Black Pearl boat provide?
  • How much does the Black Pearl trip cost?

The answers to all these questions (and then some) are coming up right now!

Can You Tour The Black Pearl?

can you tour the black pearl

Before this article goes any further, a couple of clarifications are in order:

For starters, we’re here to discuss a boat trip you’ll be able to enjoy in Ayia Napa. Meaning, you can’t join this particular trip unless you arrive in Cyprus, the third largest island in the Mediterranean sea.

Feel free to learn more about the island’s location here.

Now, I guess most of you are familiar with a famous movie that happens to be called “The Pirates Of The Caribbean”.

Since a ship with the name of Black Pearl is somewhat of a centerpiece in that movie, it’s easy to see why some people may confuse the two.

But the trip we would like to take you on will not happen on the original boat you see in the movie.

While I think that’s a given, I still want to make it perfectly clear:

Unfortunately, we have no access to that ship.

Do not disappear, though:

The ship we’ll welcome you to will match up where fun, vibe, and memorable experience are being concerned.

Keep reading, and I bet you’ll come to the same conclusion!

What Is The Black Pearl Pirate Ship?

At the time of writing, the Black Pearl Boat in Ayia Napa, Cyprus, is the biggest pirate boat to sail in the Mediterranean Sea.

Starting its daily journey from the Ayia Napa Harbour, the ship is impressive by all counts:

We’re talking about a 3-level pirate ship in here!

Yes, to say that the boat is huge would be the understatement of the year.

However, the size of Black Pearl is not the only thing that will leave you speechless – not at all:

Most people see the ship as a vehicle that provides family-oriented fun activities in Cyprus.

Quite frankly, I won’t argue with that:

By all means, the Black Pearl boat is more than accommodating to whole families who are ready to explore the pirate’s life for the day.

However, the ship will over-deliver on the fun part no matter the age group you belong to at the moment.

With that said, let’s start unraveling the mystery experience that is waiting for you once you decide to sign up for this trip, shall we?

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What Is The Black Pearl Pirate Boat Trip?

what is the black pearl pirate boat trip

Well, let’s see – where should I start on this one?

To sum up, the Black Pearl Ship trip is one of the most popular boat trips you can go on while you’re in Cyprus.

Taking off from the Ayia Napa Harbour, this trip will take you on quite an exciting journey, to say the least.

The trip lasts for four hours. During that time, you’ll be in the perfect position to admire the breathtaking coastline of Ayia Napa and Protaras.

As you can see, that’s an overall explanation of what the Black Pearl Pirate Boat Trip is all about.

But you’re not here for that, are you?

OK then, let’s get into all the details:

Inside The Black Pearl Pirate Boat Trip

Basically, it’s time for me to show you what happens once you make up your mind about going on that trip.

I should begin by telling you that you have to be at the Ayia Napa Harbour early in the morning.

Once you are there, you can relax and prepare yourself for a day of fun.

And what that fun would look like?

Here is what:

When you’re on that boat, you’ll get to see a lot of everything Cyprus is proud to present to all its foreign visitors.

For example, you’ll see the Sea Caves of Ayia Napa, Cape Greco, Konnos Bay, and Fig Tree Bay.

Don’t get me wrong – witnessing all that from afar is a small piece of everything we have in mind for you.

There is so much more you’ll have the chance to enjoy on the boat rather than on the outside of it.

Speaking of the boat activities:

What Activities Can You Expect From The Black Pearl Pirate Boat Trip?

activities on the black pearl boat

Again, I’m having a hard time trying to decide about which one of the boat activities to tell you first!

Alright, here are all of them:

  • Live Swashbuckling Entertainment Show – Do you want to see pirates performing with their swords? Hopefully, you do, because that is happening – there is no way around it!
  • Treasure Hunt For Children – As I’ve mentioned earlier, the Black Pearl ship trip is family-friendly. Don’t hesitate to bring your kids with you – they’ll love to take part in the treasure hunt that will happen onboard. On top of that, your little ones for the section of the boat that will give them access to different games.
  • Dress To Impress – That’s my way of saying that we’ll provide you with a fancy dress. How would you blend with the vibe and theme of that boat trip if we didn’t?
  • Delicious Pirate Food – And what kind of food could that possibly be? While I don’t want to spoil everything for you, I can tell you that you should expect roast chicken, potatoes, salad, and tzatziki.
  • Drinks And Desserts – We have that covered too! The boat’s fully stocked bar will serve you alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, coffee, and even ice cream.
  • Let’s Swim – Chances are, no one of you is going to find the stops for swimming surprising. After all, you’re on a Black Pearl Pirate Boat Trips, so such stops are given!

Trip’s Highlights:

  • Swashbuckling Live Entertainment
  • Swimming Stops
  • Sumptuous Pirate Food
  • Visiting Our Famous Sea Caves
  • Full Facilities On Board
  • Hosted By Captain Jack Sparrow Himself

While I wait for the last one to sink in, I’ll also provide you with a chance to book the trip.

Learn How To Book This Trip Here

How Long Is The Black Pearl Pirate Boat Trip?

Even though I’m sure I already told you about it, let me mention it just in case once again:

No matter what, you have to be at the Ayia Napa Harbour at least 30 minutes before the ship sails.

Considering the start of this journey is at 11 A.M., that means you have to report for pirate duty at around 10.30 A.M.

The trip will go on from 11 A.M. until 3 P.M.

Yes, you’re in for a total of 4 hours of fun and future memories!

Who Is Thie Trip Best For?

who is the black pearl pirate boat trip for

Well, you already know that the Black Pearl Ship is more than welcome to whole families.

But don’t look at that fact as any sort of restricting on your age:

No matter how old you are, the Black Pearl Boat Trip will justify all of your expectations.

After all, the entertainment onboard has a little bit for everyone regardless of their age.

Pirates come in all shapes and forms, don’t they?

And so will the guests of this boat!

More Fun Activities To Do In Cyprus:

How Much Does The Black Pearl Pirate Boat Trip Cost?

First and foremost, you should discuss prices before your booking is final.

Depending on who you’re planning to take with you on the ship, the total amount of money you’ll have to pay will vary.

Still, these are the prices at the time of this writing:

  • Infants (0-2 years old) – FREE
  • Child (2-12 years old) – 20 Euros
  • Adult (Over 12 years old) – 38 Euros

The Black Pearl Pirate Boat Ship – Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What’s The Route Of The Black Pearl Boat Trip? – The trips sails from the Ayia Napa Harbour, passes by the Sea Caves, Cape Greco, and Konnos Bay. During the trip, there will be a couple of stops for swimming.
  2. Is It Safe To Go On The Black Pearl Ship Trip? – Yes, being on board is totally safe. All the necessary measurements will be taken to ensure your safety.
  3. Does The Black Pearl Boat Provide Enough Fun Activities For Children? – You bet it does. Your little ones will enjoy treasure hunts and different fun games once they step onboard.
  4. Should Young Adults Sign Up For The Black Pearl Boat Trip? – Yes, they should. While that trip is mostly known as family-oriented, people of all ages will find it entertaining and amusing.
  5. What Kind Of Pirate Food You’ll Be Served Onboard? – Well, pirate food means different things to different people. Our idea of pirate meal gravitates around roast chicken, salad, and other tasty surprises!
  6. Is The Black Pearl Boat The Biggest Pirate Ship Available Now? – Quite frankly, the ship is probably not the biggest pirate boat in the world. With that said, it’s the largest pirate ship that sails in the Mediterranean Sea these days.
  7. Is There A Cancellation Policy? – If you are thinking about canceling your trip, you’ll need to talk with your booking agent to see if that’s possible.

Final Say

Alright, this is all I have for you today!

While we can talk about the Black Pearl Pirate Boat Trip all day long, I think it’s time to bring this article to its natural end.

So far, you know everything there is to know about the trip:

It’s fun, it’s affordable, it’s everything a boat trip in Cyprus should be.

Now, all you need to do is pick a date and experience the trip for yourself.

Until you do that:

Do you have any questions about the Black Pearl Ship trip?

Is there anything else you need to know about it?

Maybe you have your own experience you’re dying to share with me and my audience?

Whatever that case might be, the comments section below is what you’re looking for!

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