fun activities to do when you are in Ayia Napa

People who have visited Cyprus will say that there are hundreds of activities to do in Ayia Napa. It may be hard to believe, but they are not over-reacting.

Even more, they are not over-selling the idea of Ayia Napa as a tiny piece of Mediterranean heaven -it just is. And not only because of its geographical location.

As a matter of fact, the location has very little to do with why Ayia Napa is a must-visit at least once in your lifetime:

It’s all about the experiences you’ll get to cherish forever when your vacation is over and you have to go home.

Speaking of experiences:

How do you create those when you’re in another country?

Is it by spending all your time in your hotel room, looking from behind the window?

Of course not!

Instead, jump into everything Ayia Napa has to offer with both feet and don’t waste too much time on overthinking:

Experiences come from activities, and activities are something to live through, not wonder about.

What Are The Best Activities To Do In Ayia Napa?

Quite frankly, this is one of those questions that don’t have a simple answer.

Are you a family with children visiting Cyprus for the very first time? Then avoiding WaterWorld Waterpark is not an option. You don’t want your little ones and you, for that matter, to miss a whole day of water fun.

Maybe you decided to leave your children home this time around? How do you feel about Scuba Diving? Taking the experience up a notch, will you be able to manage an Undersea Adventure and everything that comes with it?

Or you’re not even in your 20s yet, and Ayia Napa happens to be the first destination you visit abroad? Not sure what you’re waiting for – get the party started already!

Whether you would like to touch the sky while you’re Parasailing or get the whole Boat Trip experience, the choice is all yours.

At the same time, why choose at all? Since a Boat Trip and Parasailing are two of the most fun activities to do in Ayia Napa, going through both seems like a no-brainer of a decision!

For those that see themselves as fearless, we have only two words for you – Quad Safari.

By all means, the Quad Safari is not an Ayia Napa activity anyone can dress into a complete sentence – no words would ever do it enough justice.

Alright, we get it – not everyone is all about a high-speed chase on the ground or communicating with the fish underwater.

In that case, we have something in the store that will keep your blood pressure at a healthy level:
A Fishing Activity will surely do the trick.
But if it doesn’t, then a nice Hammam & Massage will deliver where the Fishing may not!

The Most Fun Things To Do In Ayia Napa

Ayia Napa Activities We Recommend:

  • Relax On Our Gorgeous Beaches – There are plenty of those to choose from, with Nissi Beach being our top pick.
  • WaterWorld Waterpark – As we mentioned earlier, this Waterpark falls into the “you gotta see it to believe it” category.
  • Boat Trips – Ayia Napa will offer you at least a dozen available boat trips, so choose wisely.
  • Scuba Diving – If this Ayia Napa activity is on your bucket list, we get where you’re coming from!
  • Undersea Activities – In case you’re determined to go through at least one extraordinary experience, let it be this one. Feel free to thank us later.
  • Quad Safari – Get ready to lose any sense of time because a whole day will seem a minute once you join the Quad Safari.
  • Hammam & Massage – We hear that you’re supposed to relax while you’re on a vacation. Go figure! Or, better yet, give your body a well-deserved break with the Hammam & Massage.
  • Photo Session – Isn’t life about building memories? Yes, it is, so make some moments last forever by treating yourself with a photo session.
  • Parasailing – Maybe talking too much about it is not a great idea – we don’t want to spoil the experience for you!

A quick confession:
We take great pride in that list – all of these Ayia Napa activities will become a treasured memory eventually – don’t doubt that for a second.
Be that as it may, you haven’t gone through even one of them yet.
That’s why we think you should learn as much about them as possible.
Let us help, would you?

the best activities to do in ayia napa waterworld waterpark

Operating since 1996, WaterWorld is one of the biggest and most popular attractions Cyprus has to offer you. Over 100 square meters of pure water joy is all yours to entertain – yeap, we’re very proud!

Why wouldn’t we be?
Up until now, WaterWorld has been visited by over 5 million guests – and counting. It’s the largest themed Waterpark in whole Europe – again, so proud!

Speaking of themed:
The Ayia Napa’s Waterpark is all about ancient Greek Mythology. All of its available rides (over 20) will make you feel like you’ve traveled back in time.

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the most fun boat trips in Ayia Napa Cyprus

Can you think of a single activity that will allow you to enjoy the sun, swim, snorkel, view sea caves, and enjoy the entertainment available?

In case you can’t think of anything, let us give you a clue – boat trips!
Going on a boat trip while you’re holidaying in Ayia Napa is a MUST – it’s as simple as that!

Considering everything our boat trips have to offer, you’re in for a fun, unforgettable, and one-of-a-kind experience.
We should mention that you have a variety of options – lazy days cruises, family-friendly submarines, and dolphin safaris.

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scuba diving is one of the fun activities to do in Ayia Napa

If you’re curious by nature and love to swim, scuba diving is probably on your to-do list while you’re in Cyprus.
Investigating the undersea life in all its glory is not something you want to miss out on.

Don’t let fear hold you back – your scuba diving experience will happen in mild waters and weak currents.

All PADI-approved companies we’ll get you in touch with offer dives for both beginners and advanced divers.

Hey, you can become a certified diver before the holiday is over – ain’t that cool?

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fishing activities to do in Ayia Napa

Not every holiday activity has to bring your heart rate to the roof. Sometimes, a bit of peace and quiet is all a person needs to relax.

Does this describe who you are at your core?
That’s great – we have you covered:

Say yes to a fishing experience with a local fisherman!
And no excuses – don’t stay on the shore just because you would like to fish, but you don’t know to do it:

One of our fishermen will teach you the basics so you can begin appreciating the beauty behind it!

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undersea adventures fun activities you can do in Ayia Napa

Who is up for exploring the seabed from up close? Like, from as close as you can get?

If that’s something you have always wanted to do, then going on Undersea Adventures is unavoidable when you’re in Ayia Napa.

Make friends with the fish and any other creature that lives down there and enjoy this crazy experience to the fullest while it lasts.

Meanwhile, you’ll receive a constant air supply into your helmet:
Yeah, we’re well aware of the fact that breathing without it is going to be an issue.

We have you covered!

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quad safari Ayia Napa

Does the idea of a high-speed chase bring a smile to your face? Would that smile grow brighter when we tell you that the chase will go for hours?

If you nod enthusiastically in agreement, then the idea of going on a Quad Safari won’t let you sleep the night before! It would be worth it, though:

A Quad Safari will allow you to explore the island in a way nothing else could. We’ll pick you up from your hotel for free.

And will keep supply you with refreshments during your adventure – also for free.

Let’s face it – you’ll need that!

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relaxing activities you can do in Ayia Napa Cyprus hammam and massage

We’re the first to bring the Moroccan Hammam to Cyprus. Not that we’re bragging…
But maybe we should:

The Marrakech Spa we have in mind for you is a luxury Hammam you can enjoy in a Morrocan style decor.

It goes without saying that you’ll receive your relaxing treatment from Morrocan specialists as well.

Prepare yourself for a mixture of relaxation, skin rejuvenation, and being as comfortable as humanly possible.

Do you think that you’ll get to see first-hand what an Arabian Night is all about?

You better – because that’s exactly what is going to happen!

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how to get a professional photo session in Ayia Napa

A picture is worth thousands of words – we all know it.
Do you want a piece of that?

We can’t find a single reason why not. After all, moments become memories in time.
Of course, if someone captures them first!

What if that someone is a professional who knows how to turn a shot into emotion? And a look into a whole experience?

If you like the sound of that, you can have it:

Just send us an email, we’ll check the availability for you and let you know about possible arrangements.

Yeah, we’re awesome like that.

But you already know it!

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parasailing best activities to do in Ayia Napa

You haven’t truly lived until you try parasailing. That’s not just our opinion:
No, it’s the opinion of everyone who got to visit Ayia Napa, Cyprus, and was bold enough to do it!

Just think about it:
It’s not scary – it’s exciting.
You won’t fly just high – you will fly higher.

And it’s not just something fun to do while you’re in Cyprus – it’s once in a lifetime experience.

Unless, of course, you don’t decide to go for a second round the next day:
Parasailing is addictive like that.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Then again, maybe we shouldn’t have – you tell us!

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